quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2015

Nostalgia Insanity Room 007

Sinto vento morno...
Sorriso envergonhado
Terno. riso improvisado.

Os sonhos insistem.
Nem sei bem porque?
Persisto nessa monotonia

A arte é tomada pela preguiça
a pequenos punhados de mofo.
E se desfalece no contrario da ideia!

É ampulheta  que sangra
Sem dor, apenas remorso.
Sono das areias do ócio.

Porque  volto
a velha casa ?
Sombras frias...
Alimentam o coração
estéril esqueleto.
de tanto medo...
 exala desprezo!

Não chame.
Não quero saber.
Alegorias, progresso
Falso, egoico. sucesso.

Não (me)faça !
Sentir a (tua) falta...
Não ignore a (minha) falta!
Aceite a (Tua) dor.
Deixe ir (o amor) agora.

Anderson ferreira. ??/01/2014

2 comentários:

Blog27999 disse...


This might sound a little creepy, and maybe even a little "out there..."

WHAT if you could just click "Play" to LISTEN to a short, "miracle tone"...

And miraculously attract MORE MONEY to your LIFE?

I'm talking about BIG MONEY, even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!

Sound too EASY? Think it's IMPOSSIBLE?!?

Well then, I've got news for you..

Usually the largest miracles in life are the EASIEST!

Honestly, I will PROVE it to you by letting you PLAY a real-life "miracle abundance tone" I developed...


You just push "Play" and the money will start coming into your life.. it starts right away..

CLICK here to PLAY this magical "Miracle Money TONE" - as my gift to you!

Unknown disse...

Do you realize there is a 12 word phrase you can say to your partner... that will trigger intense feelings of love and impulsive attraction to you deep inside his chest?

Because hidden in these 12 words is a "secret signal" that fuels a man's instinct to love, look after and protect you with all his heart...

12 Words That Trigger A Man's Desire Response

This instinct is so built-in to a man's brain that it will drive him to try harder than ever before to do his best at looking after your relationship.

Matter of fact, fueling this influential instinct is absolutely essential to achieving the best ever relationship with your man that once you send your man a "Secret Signal"...

...You will soon notice him open his mind and soul to you in such a way he haven't experienced before and he'll perceive you as the one and only woman in the universe who has ever truly attracted him.

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